Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Newborn...cont'd

I will now correct something I said Yesterday...I realize that even though My muse is inspiration for this one, it is more of an idealized version, and not the real guy.(just figured I'd clear it up in case he eventually reads this...LOL) Well, so here it goes...this continues on from yesterday's.

I walk wearily into the bathroom. Several lit candles lined the shelves. He appeared behind me and pulled the robe from my body. He picked me up swiftly and laid me into to warm water. I could tell from some towels on the floor that he had wiped the blood from his body. He kneeled beside me on the floor, and with a calm expression, he began to wash my hair. My body relaxed and the world faded into darkness.

I woke late the next morning alone in my bed. I was dressed in a light nightgown and the covers were pulled over me. From the intensity of the light filtering into my room, I could tell it was noon or later. My body ached slightly, but I felt refreshed. A clean robe was laid across the foot of my bed. I put it on and headed into the hallway. I headed straight for the guestroom he had been in. The bed was empty and made up with clean linens. I then decided to head down the stairs into the main rooms. I found him in the library room, seated comfortably in a plush hair. Several books were scattered in piles on the floor. I moved towards the piles and kneeled to pick them up. His hand was on mine in a moment’s time. I looked up at him and noticed he was dressed simply in clean clothes I recognized.

“I see you found my brother’s room. I was going to offer you his clothes. He was about your size. I have no use for them.”

“Thank you. You had mentioned it as I got you dressed last night. You were so tired, I didn’t argue.”

“I d-I don’t remember that.”

“You were nearing exhaustion, Lyra. I’m surprised you remember anything after I carried you in.” He smiled his disarming smile and I felt my insides churn. He continued on in his sweet, baritone voice, “Come, now, I will make you some breakfast. Becky wasn’t the only cook at the Inn.”

The reactions I had to him made me feel like my own body as somehow betraying me. His voice, his touch, and his smile made my stomach flutter like it was full of butterflies. This wasn’t how I normally was. Normally, I would be able to speak well and be in full control. The fact I had trouble even squeaking out a word troubled me greatly. I had heard of some vampires having the ability to affect the humans around them, but I had never had any affect me before. This shook me and disturbed my core being. I followed him into the dining room, where I noticed a place set for me already. I sat down as he disappeared through the kitchen door. He reappeared with a pitcher of juice and poured it into the tall goblet in front of me. Then he disappeared again, returning with a domed dish that he set in front of me. He lifted the dome and the delicious aroma of eggs, bacon, onions, and cheese hit me. This was followed with a dish of fresh strawberries. I ate hungrily, trying to keep from eating too quickly despite my hunger. He sat across from me, smiling and watching me as I ate. As I took the last strawberry from, the plate, he was up and clearing the empty dishes. As he exited into the kitchen, I marveled at how easily he moved. I faintly remembered seeing him at the Inn. Becky had done most of the serving, but he remained behind the bar. Back then, he had seemed to move clumsily, like he was uncomfortable with his own size. Becoming a vampire had seemed to change him for the better. He now moved with a confidence and grace that was effortless. As I was lost in thought, he had returned and sat across from me again. His eyes showed he was also deep in thought. After much time had passed, I reluctantly broke the silence.

“Gareth, I was thinking of calling a friend of mine to report the attack as soon as possible. You will have to stay out of sight until we can figure out how to proceed.”

“A man came to see you this morning. I believe he was the constable. I didn’t answer the door, but I could see from the window he was carrying something. He seemed quite worried. From what I could see, it looked like a woman’s light jacket.” I blinked, confused, and then realized what it was.

“It was my jacket. I had it on my arm when I found you. I must have dropped it when I picked you up.”

“There was blood on it.”

“Yes. It’s yours. I can make this work---“

“So that’s what I smelled like.” He said reflectively and laughed softly to himself. I smiled back. He seemed so different. I had barely noticed his presence the few times I had seen him in his other life. He was insignificant before, and so much so, that I hadn’t even recognized him when I found him near death in the alley. His eyes felt like they were staring deep into me. Why hadn’t I even noticed him before? Would anyone even recognize him now? His next comment jolted me out of my reverie. “You said you had a brother. Wait a second, your name is Morrigan…Your brother was Eliot Morrigan?” I nodded soberly. “I always wondered what had happened to him. He stopped frequenting the bar a couple of years ago. He was a nice man. I remember he was going on about getting married.”

“To Aria Maglund, the constable’s daughter. That’s how I know him.”

“I had heard she was attacked, but never got the details. What happened to her?”

“She died. Eliot was inconsolable. After only a few months, he killed himself. That was two years ago…” I felt the tears sting at my eyes. Remembering my brother brought back the pain I had shoved down since his death. I shut my eyes to hold back the tears which fell of their own accord. Pain ripped though my chest as I started to sob. It was never easy to speak about my brother, let alone to remember he was gone. He was the only family I had left. I felt cold hands gather mine into my lap. I opened my eyes and tried to see him, kneeling at my feet, through the tears. “Gareth, I am sorry. I shouldn’t be…” His soft hush quieted me as he pulled me closer.

“Lyra, I know. You are a strong woman to be alone in this life. I remember Eliot. I remember you, now. You came into the bar to find him. He ordered a glass of wine for you. I spilled it all over myself, and Becky got it for you. Eliot had just met Aria. He had gone on for the last two hours about her. How she walked, and how she talked. I remember wondering what it felt like. Becky and I had been friends since we were children. Our parents had our marriage arranged since we were ten. I would take over her family’s Inn and bar, and she would provide a wife for my family’s unsightly son. It was earlier that day that Becky had told me she loved someone else…I was so shaken. I remember thinking of how unlovable I must be…When you walked in I remember thinking that someone with your stature and grace would never even look at me. I was pouring the wine and you looked at me. You looked right into my eyes. You were so concerned about Eliot. I was so distracted that I spilled the wine. You seemed to have the weight of much more than your years upon you. I wished I could ease that weight. When I saw you last night, lying in the grass, I recognized you… My last memory had been of the attack. I figured you were my angel. I was so grateful to you, yet I was so shocked that you paid any mind to me, that all I wanted to do was to ease your pain. All I wanted to do was help you. I still want to help you. Let me help you, now.” I curled into his lap in hopes that he could help me ease the pain I had shoved down for two years. I felt his lips press into my hair. I felt him lift me as he sat into the chair. I was still so aware of him. His touch as he gently rubbed my back. His lips as they kissed my hair. Every touch seemed to electrify me. I had been so alone. His mere presence reminded me of just how alone I had been. I wrapped my arms around his waist and turned my head up to look at him. Concern furrowed his brow. I reached up and moved a stray hair from over his eye. This seemed to startle, and the concern turned into a soft smile. My heart felt like it was tap-dancing inside my chest. I suddenly pictured him naked in my bed, and felt the blood flush to my cheeks. His smile changed slightly, as he let me go. The smile then turned into a strange look. I slid off of his lap as I realized what it meant.

“You’re hungry.” I whispered. “Y-you can hunt. My land expands through the woods on the Eastern end. You can find something to hunt there.”

He looked at me sadly and said, “That would probably be smart. What type of game should I hunt? I mean, I’m not sure what to do. You sliced that mare’s throat for me…”

“Stay small, and work your way up. Start with game that can’t fight back. The predators can be rough, but stay away from the wolves. I can’t afford a feud right now, if you make a mistake.”

“A feud? What are you saying? Wait….I read in one of those books. Werewolves. If vampires exist, why not them, too?” He laughed softly.

“While you’re gone, I’ll talk with the constable.” He smiled, nodded, and left.

I took are of what I promised to do. Constable Maglund was relieved to see me alive. He was concerned I had been attacked. I told him my version of why my jacket was found in the alley. He took care of the rest. I told him that a stranger to town had found me and brought me home. I also mentioned that the stranger was staying with me, and that I had hired him to care for my horses. Once he seemed satisfied, I went home. I spent hours trying to pass the time. I was concerned if he had survived the hunt. I worried that the scent of a predator would entice him into trying to take one too soon. It was another mistake many newborns made. After dark, I decided to go to bed. I slept for little while, battling dreams of Eliot. It was during one of these dreams I woke up screaming. A soft, deep voice emanated from the foot of my bed.

“It was just a dream.” I sighed in relief. His torso was naked, and his body was flushed. He wore loose pants, so he had changed after returning. As if he could understand my thoughts, he said plainly, “I took down a couple of stags deep in the eastern woods. After that, I wandered around a bit. I ran across a couple of wolves. They seemed the normal type. I let them be, like you asked. I had much time to think. I am sorry if I worried you. When I got back, you were asleep, so I took the liberty of cleaning myself up. I’m afraid Eliot’s shirt is ruined, though.”

“That’s okay. I have plenty. I told the constable that I hired a stranger to care for my land and horses. That should explain any extra purchases I may have to make. He listened to my story. He’s already called Becky.” At this, I saw him tense slightly. “He says that he will proclaim you officially dead and that she will hold a memorial service for you in a couple of days.”

“Part of me wants to be sure she will be okay, but maybe it is good I can’t see her. I so hate making her cry. He will have Wayland and her family to comfort her. This is the best for everyone. Will there be an investigation?”

“Yes, there will be, but not much of one. Constable Maglund says that his superiors don’t want people to panic. They’ve put him in charge of it. He says there’s not much evidence to go on because I saw so little. I was their only lead. The case will remain unsolved and it will be forgotten by next month.”

“That will be good. You were sleeping so fitfully I was afraid things had gone wrong.”

“No, it was nothing like that. It was just a bad dream. I have it every so often, especially on days where I have thought of my brother.”

“Sometimes it helps to talk about it.”

“I- I don’t know…I’m taking one of my normal nightly walks. It’s usually during the winter season. I focus on the sound of the snow under my feet. Then, suddenly, Eliot appears in front of me. I am so excited I move to hug him, and he stops me. He then tells me that if I don’t let in the light, the darkness will swallow me. Then he disappears, and a dark mist starts to envelop me. The darkness is so cold that it stings. I can see no light. I ask him where the light is, but he doesn’t answer. He never answers me. That is usually when I wake up screaming. There hasn’t been anyone to hear me before…”

“It seems to me like he’s trying to help you.”

“A message from the grave? I suppose that isn’t too unthinkable, considering what I have seen in my lifetime.”

“I have wondered about that. You carry so much in your eyes; it is like you have seen much more than your age could allow for. How do you know so much? I have read the books in your library and they don’t even touch on the extent of your knowledge. It makes me wonder about you. Are you a vampire? Then I realize that you eat normally, your heart beats, and your blood pulses through you. It flushes to your cheeks and I wonder what it is that made it happen. I wonder what I could do to make it happen again. I am asking you, Lyra, how old are you? What was his age when your brother died?”

“I suppose I could tell you.” I sighed heavily. “Eliot and I were born the winter of 1508. We were twins. Neither one of were never really sure of why we healed so well. That started when we hit our teens. Slowly, we just stopped aging. We heal from wounds rather quickly, so it is difficult to kill us. So we just existed, day to day. It was just him and me for a long time. We moved from place to place before anyone could notice that we weren’t getting older. In some places, we liked it there so much that we would make ourselves look older. I have some friends now, doctors, which have been studying your kind, as well as others. That is how I know so much. They have been trying to figure out why I am the way that I am.”

I looked at his face, which seemed deep in thought. I sat stupidly sat there in my bed, not moving. Finally, he smiled and stood up. He moved closer to me and sat beside me, swinging his long legs onto the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. He took his other hand and pulled my chin up to face him. He smiled wickedly and said, “Well then, Lyra, it seems I have a lot to learn and you have plenty of time to teach me. You don’t have to be alone now.” I could feel his body close to mine and my heart began to race at his words. I bit my lip as I realized what he truly meant. The blood flowed to my cheeks, making them feel hot. His hand moved from my chin to the back of my neck as he pulled my face closer to his. Something inside me snapped and I kissed him. I wondered if that was what passion truly felt like. His lips were soft and sweet. The kiss seemed to last for an eternity before he pulled away. He faked a frown, but his laughing eyes gave him away. He settled himself to cradle my body as he whispered to me. “Settle yourself. We have enough time for that. You need to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

1 comment:

  1. Ok..there are quite a few grammatical errors...for example...There's supposed to be "She" where there's a "He" and sat was put twice in a sentence where there was supposed to be one.I soooo need an editor! LOL!
